Banana Date and Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe for Suhoor

Date, one of my favorite fruits, my family also likes this fruit, as a Muslim, I understand very well that every Muslim in Indonesia must have tasted this fruit, some like it, some don't like it, don't like date, maybe because the shape of the fruit is a little too weird and they are afraid to eat it.

But there is still a way to outsmart it by making it into a smoothie. Want to try a date smoothie recipe for suhoor? My dear readers, take a peek at the recommended date smoothie recipe, here!

Date is one of the fruits that tend to be easy to digest. Not only that, the nutritional content and complete vitamins make it an excellent source of energy to be obtained during fasting. Eating date after a day of fasting is also highly recommended because it can help the body's blood glucose levels quickly return to normal.

However, if you don't like to eat date, try making the date recipe that Gotou gave in this article. One that is recommended to try is a smoothie.

Why suhoor with Banana Date and Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe?

Fasting continues every year for Muslims. Of course, in fasting, you definitely want to stay healthy, not sluggish, and enthusiastic about fasting in this blessed month of Ramadan.

In addition to healthy fasting while carrying out our work activities which sometimes tend to be heavy, fasting of course also needs to consider from the menu the food we consume must be healthy and nutritious.

Break the fast with a sweet, the expression is said, of course, not without reason. Sweet foods are good for breaking the fast, because when fasting blood sugar levels in the body tend to decrease. So that foods containing sugar are needed to restore normal sugar levels in the body. And this does not only apply to iftar, but also to suhoor.

So that blood sugar levels do not rise excessively, you must wisely choose sweet foods that are good for health. Here's a suhoor recipe that you can also make for iftar, made from some sweet and fresh fruit that is healthy and good for consumption as a meal for breaking the fast and sahur during fasting, namely bananas and dates, there is also peanut butter to add to the delicious taste and nutrition.

Banana Date and Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe for Suhoor

You can make a smoothie of banana date and peanut butter for the suhoor menu. This one menu can be a healthy, nutritious, and refreshing choice to eat in the early hours of the morning.

Date Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 cup Almond Milk, unsweetened
  • 1 banana
  • 4-5 Date, separate the seeds
  • 1 Frozen banana
  • 2 tbsp Peanut Butter
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup Ice cubes
  • Protein powder, according to your preference

How to make:

  • Prepare all frozen smoothie ingredients, such as ice cubes and frozen bananas at least a day before making smoothies.
  • Bananas are frozen in a condition that has been peeled and chopped.
  • When it will be processed, mix all the ingredients in a blender to puree.
  • Smoothies can be served with almonds, walnuts, fresh fruit, and chia seeds.

Nutrients in Banana Date and Peanut Butter Smoothie

In addition to date that provide many health benefits, Bananas and peanut butter also have various benefits for the body.


Bananas are rich in carbohydrates which are composed of starch and sugar. These two substances are needed by the body to quickly replace energy when breaking the fast. Bananas are one of the fruits that can meet your daily energy needs. Bananas can also make you feel fuller during a day of fasting. The nutritional content in bananas also varies, ranging from potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6.

Bananas are also recommended for people with stomach pain due to lack of food consumption, because bananas are an antacid fruit or natural acid neutralizer that can thicken gastric mucosal tissue. Bananas are also good to eat at dawn, because bananas can add calories by releasing sugar into the blood slowly during fasting.


Consuming dates during Ramadan is equivalent to taking a multivitamin every day. In addition, dates are also known as a fruit that has a natural sweetener, namely fructose. Fructose is a natural sugar found in many fruits and the highest content of this natural sweetener is in dates. If when breaking the fast it is recommended to eat sweet foods, dates are the right fruit because they contain natural sweeteners that are good for the body.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter contains potassium and protein which can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Peanut butter also tends to be high in fiber which is good for gut health. Coupled with healthy fats, magnesium (to strengthen bones and muscles), vitamin E, and antioxidants.

Hopefully this information, Banana Date and Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe for Suhoor is useful and feel free to make a suhoor menu with your date smoothie, OK!