3 Cheese and Fruit Bread Setup Dessert Recipe That Goes Viral on TikTok

For those of you who really like snacking, must try to make various viral TikTok recipes. Various delicious food recipes that are viral on TikTok today can actually be used as a reference for cooking at home.

Like a white bread cake recipe that is modified into a delicious dessert that is guaranteed to melt in the mouth. This delicious dessert-shaped recipe is called a Cheese Bread Stup. The way to make it is guaranteed to be easy and anti-complicated, Ladies. Here's the recipe.

1. Cheese Bread Setup Recipe

Before making this plain cake recipe that was modified into this delicious dessert, You need to prepare the ingredients. The ingredients needed to make this delicious food recipe are not complicated and easy to get.

This time the viral TikTok recipe presented is guaranteed to be very easy to try. Here are the ingredients you must prepare.


  • 6 slices of white bread
  • 350 ml full cream liquid milk
  • 60 ml vanilla condensed milk
  • 100 ml water
  • 75 gr cheddar cheese
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (dissolve with water)

How to Make, Easy & Not Complicated

After you have prepared the ingredients, It's time to cook a very yummy dessert modified plain cake recipe. Don't forget to prepare a kitchen utensil in the form of a frying pan, spatulas, and containers for storing desserts. If everything is complete, you can start cooking this viral TikTok recipe, ladies.

Steps to make

  1. Add full cream milk to the frying pan.
  2. Add vanilla condensed milk.
  3. Add grated cheese.
  4. Add cornstarch that has been dissolved in water.
  5. Cook until thickened.
  6. Prepare a container and put 1 sheet of white bread (first layer).
  7. Drizzle with enough cheese sauce.
  8. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  9. Add 1 more slice of white bread (second layer).
  10. Drizzle with enough cheese sauce.
  11. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Do this step in sequence until your container is full. In addition to grated cheese, you can also add small pieces of white bread on the top layer. You can create the top topping with sprinkles, choco chips, or other suitable toppings according to taste.

Yummy Guaranteed Cooking Results

After you have successfully made this delicious cheesecake dessert stup recipe, You can store it right away in the refrigerator. Serve while cold. You will feel a delicious, savory, soft, and melt sensation that blends in your mouth.

2. Mango Cheese Bread Setup Recipe

As an Indonesian, I think if only cheese tastes like something is missing, in my country there are lots of fruits and they are easy to get too. So, because in the backyard there is a mango tree and it is bearing fruit, why don't I just make a mango cheese setup? from there I made this recipe for all of you. 

This recipe is for 6 cups, I purposely made a lot for my other family, after all, the mango tree at home is bearing a lot of fruit. 


  • 2 mangoes, mashed (Pure)
  • UHT milk 500ml
  • 40gr sweetened condensed milk (1 sachet) or according to taste
  • 2 tbsp sugar (to taste)
  • Half tsp vanilla paste (you can skip it)
  • Corn flour 2 tbsp dissolved with a little milk
  • Butter 50gr
  • 6 pieces of white bread cut according to taste

How to make

  1. Add UHT milk, sweetened condensed milk, sugar, vanilla. Cook until it boils while stirring
  2. Add the dissolved cornstarch while stirring, after it boils, turn off the heat
  3. Immediately add the butter, stir until the butter is melted and well mixed
  4. In a container / cup, arrange white bread, pour the milk mixture to taste, then pour the mango puree
  5. Top with grated cheese
  6. You can eat it right away, but it's better if you refrigerate it first, so it's cold and fresh. 

The combination of sweet milk that makes you full, combined with refreshing mango puree, and served cold after being put in the refrigerator, this dessert is definitely very refreshing when eaten during the day. If this recipe is still not enough and you don't like cheese, you can try the avocado bread setup recipe below without cheese. 

3. Avocado Bread Setup Recipe

Well, this is one of my favorite comfort food, which tastes like delicious and refreshing cream. Avocado Bread Setup, the original recipe from Ms. Dhilasina, please try it. 


  • 6 slices of white bread, the edges can be removed or not according to taste
  • 200gr avocado flesh, puree / pounded until smooth
  • 2 apples, cut into cubes.
  • Young coconut meat, to taste, I skip (if you like, add it) 

Sauce setup:

  • 400ml liquid/UHT milk
  • 100ml water
  • 3 tablespoons creamer (fiebercreme or skip it's okay)
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 4-5 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
  • Salt to taste
  • 1.5 tbsp cornstarch 

How to make:

  1. Cook milk, water, creamer, sugar, sweetened condensed milk, salt and cornstarch in a saucepan, stir until smooth, cook until boiling and thickens.
  2. Remove and cool.
  3. Mix with avocado puree until smooth (add a little green coloring if necessary)
  4. Prepare a container, arrange 1 sheet of bread, pour 1 serving spoon of the setup sauce made earlier.
  5. Sprinkle with apple slices/skip, cover with 1 more slice of bread.
  6. Pour with 1 serving spoon of setup sauce, sprinkle with apple slices/skip and young coconut meat/skip.
  7. Cover the container, cool in the refrigerator. Serve cold. 

How about you, can't wait to try this viral TikTok dessert cake recipe? Good luck trying to make it!