10 Foods to Avoid During Suhoor, So You Don't Get Hungry Quickly

Choosing the right food at suhoor must be done so that fasting goes smoothly without obstacles. Unfortunately, due to ignorance, it makes some people carelessly choose food at suhoor.

In fact, choosing the wrong food and drink at suhoor can make you thirsty and hungry during fasting. How sad, if only because of these trivial problems, you have to suffer or even break your fast just because you are unable to withstand hunger and thirst.

The food consumed during suhoor has a major impact on the body's strength to carry out fasting. Therefore, when suhoor, it is recommended to eat nutritious and fiber-rich foods to make you feel full longer.

So that you don't choose the wrong one, you should consider several types of foods that make you thirsty and hungry during fasting. Because only by knowing it can you avoid it. The following is a list of foods that make us hungry again quickly even though we have eaten at suhoor.

What are those? Check out the following information:

Spicy food

Not only when breaking the fast, spicy food also needs to be avoided at suhoor. Eating spicy food can irritate the digestive system and trigger an increase in stomach acid. In addition, it also interferes with the digestive system, causing stomach pain to diarrhea. So, avoid eating foods whose recipes contain chilies at suhoor. 

Caffeinated Drinks

Drinking tea or coffee at suhoor is tempting, but did you know that the high caffeine content in these drinks can not only trigger insomnia and anxiety, but can also make you feel thirsty during fasting. 

Sweet Food

Sweet foods can trigger hunger quickly. In addition, it also increases the desire to overeat which ultimately triggers weight gain. Therefore, you should not overdo it with sugary foods and drinks at suhoor.

Moreover, this intake can also increase blood sugar levels in the body. When blood sugar increases, the pancreas will release the hormone insulin which causes glucose to drop below normal. As a result, the body becomes tired, weak, and easily sleepy.

High Salt

Eating foods high in salt can increase the risk of dehydration or thirst. This is due to an imbalance in sodium levels, so the body's ability to absorb fluids is disrupted. In addition to dehydration, too salty food can cause hypertension or high blood pressure. 

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are filling, but only temporarily because after 3-4 hours they actually make you feel very thirsty and hungry. Among the types of refined carbohydrates are: flour, white bread, sugar, pastries, white rice, donuts and others. 

Fatty Food

High-fat foods, such as red meat, fried foods, and French fries, are delicious and also increase appetite. Unfortunately, these foods can cause stomach problems and speed up the work of the digestive system, causing diarrhea. Not only that, high-fat foods also inhibit and slow down the process of emptying the stomach, thus worsening the symptoms of constipation.

Cereal Milk

Cereal milk is often a helper at suhoor, but did you know that sweet cereals are one type of simple carbohydrates, so they may fill you up temporarily, but then make you hungry quickly. Therefore, replace it with oatmeal combined with raisins and nuts so that you feel full longer.

Processed Meat and Bread

Processed meats such as sausages, nuggets, corned beef, and others are not good to be consumed in excess at suhoor. This is because processed foods are high in fat and low in fiber. As a result, food is digested faster which then increases hunger.

Likewise, avoid eating bread. The high carbohydrate content in bread can increase blood sugar and make you feel hungry more quickly. Eating bread makes the body full faster, but also hungry because of the high carbohydrate content.

Too sweet fruit juice

Fruit juice is healthy, but becomes problematic if you add too much sugar. In addition to making blood sugar rise quickly, drinking too sweet juice also makes you thirsty and hungry while fasting. The healthy solution, just drink pure fruit juice or just cut fruit and eat it. 

Instant noodles

Many Indonesian people choose instant noodles because they are practical, very easy and fast to serve. But in fact, Indonesian people's consumption of instant noodles is quite high. No exception in the month of Ramadan, especially during suhoor.

Many choose instant noodles because they are practical, very easy and fast to serve. But in fact, the consumption of instant noodles makes the body powerless when fasting.

According to nutritionist Inayah Budiasti, instant noodles are basically flour. So it is very easy to digest, making us hungry again quickly. It also uses preservatives, not good for health.

Inayah said, preserved foods such as instant noodles contain low nutrients. It's best to avoid eating foods that don't contain fiber at suhoor, such as instant noodles.

After knowing several types of foods that cause thirst and hunger quickly above, of course you will be more selective in choosing food at suhoor. Hope it is useful!