My Review about Sunflower Seeds, Snacks That Don't Make You Fat

Personal Review about Sunflower Seeds

Welcome and good morning my dear first readers.

How are you all? hopefully, today's news is better than yesterday, hopefully, you will stay healthy and keep your spirits up. Welcome to my first article on this new blog, and don't be bored, okay?

Oh yeah, are any of you eating snacks today? what kind of snack are you eating? Or you are not having activities and lazing in the room?. Just gather here, enjoy snacks that I'm sure won't make you fat, and all of his cronies. Really...

Is there really a snack that doesn't make you fat? Yes, of course, there is!

This snack is also included in the list of my favorite snacks, really if you are lazy to move, relax in your room, have nothing to do, you are tired, then you should try eating this snack, guaranteed this snack will be your best friend in your relaxing day.

Are you curious about the snack I mean? If you're curious, just look, Taraaaaa, she's a cute snack that tastes salty. For those who have a history of high blood pressure, it may not be advisable to eat this snack many times.

It's Sunflower Seeds

Review about Sunflower Seeds

Yes, that's right, sunflower seeds, snacks that can be friends when relaxing, eating as much as you want will not make you fat, at least it will make your lips salty because of the salty taste.

Sunflower seeds are famous for their healthy snacks and desired by many people because of its nutritional content, also the benefits of sunflower seeds for the diet. Many of my coworkers are successful with a diet program consuming sunflower seeds, also as a food ingredient to add it to salad recipes, cake toppings, deserts and so on.

Sunflower seeds are three threats. Besides being delicious and good for you, they contain nutrients that can help you lose weight in a healthy way. Before you start eating them in large quantities, there's one thing you need to know, it's important to realize that no single food can successfully lead to weight loss. You will get the best results by following a balanced eating plan that offers a wide variety of healthy, low-calorie foods. 

Today's sunflower seeds have many kinds of tastes, when I was a little kid, the seeds for snacks are made from pumpkin seeds, it tastes really salty. It seems that the saltiness is very different from today's sunflower seeds, maybe because the salting process is different.

Like my mother when she was young, she was served pumpkin seeds by her friend's mother you know, when she visited her friend's house to do homework, whether today still goes like that or not.

While writing this article, it reminds me of my memories when I was a child in primary school, my mother used to give me a small bag of sunflower seeds when I went to school, because sometimes I felt like I had too much, so I often shared them with my classmates.

And I will apply the same thing when I have children someday. 

Nowadays, seed snacks are made from sunflower seeds, it still tastes salty, but now there are also sunflower seeds with milk and fruit flavors, but I still prefer sunflower seeds that taste original.

Eat it while listening to music, while reading a book, it's really fun to eat sunflower seeds, because you have to eat sunflower seeds one by one, it's hard to eat a handful of sunflower seeds because you have to peel the shell first. Maybe there are also those who can peel a lot of sunflower seeds directly with a machine or tool.

Snacks That Don't Make You Fat

Here are the benefits of sunflower seeds for the human body:

  1. Help prevent cancer.
  2. Snacks that don't make you fat.
  3. Reduce stress.
  4. Nourish the skin.
  5. Lowers blood sugar levels.
  6. Good for heart and blood vessel health.
  7. Helps the digestive system.
  8. Lowers cholesterol.

Ok, my friends, do you like this seed snack? or do you prefer other snacks, for example, roasted sweetcorn or maybe popcorn?. If it's me, I still like this seed snack, snack seeds from sunflower seeds. Because it is suitable to accompany our relaxing moments.

Despite their many beneficial nutrients for weight loss, Sunflower seeds carry no guarantee that they will help you slim down. They are both nutrient- and calorie-dense foods, so if you eat large amounts of them, You may actually gain weight over time. Practice portion control by weighing them by the ounce before you snack or by pouring the seeds into 1/4-cup portions rather than eating them straight out of the bag. 

What's your favorite snack? do you also like to eat sunflower seeds snacks? take it easy, no matter how much you eat, it doesn't make you fat, so it's safe. Just don't eat a lot, like 1 kilo for 3 meals per day or you will become fat. So, No need to worry about this one snack.

What's your snack today?

This is the end of my review article about sunflower seeds,

See you in the next article, happy snacking with your beloved family, don't forget to always be happy.