These 5 Tips Make Your Pastries Perfectly Baked

Making pastries turns out to have a trick so that the results are delicious and don't burn, let's see!

Eid in Indonesia cannot be separated from pastries, such as nastar and kastengel. Even though you can now get pastries by buying them online, making your own cakes is a lot more fun. It's just that, making your own pastries is not as easy as imagined.

Sometimes we have tried so hard to make pastries, but instead they feel very hard like a rock when bitten and sometimes look dull. This will happen if you don't know the basic techniques in making pastries and this happened to me when I was learning to make pastries.

Therefore you need to know Tips for Making Pastries. Pastries are actually very good to eat. If it doesn't taste good, it could be the main cause is when mixing wheat flour and the time of forming the dough or maybe the quality of the ingredients used is not good. 

If you make a mistake, your pastries might not be cooked or they will get scorched. You need to know, it turns out that failure to make pastries can happen just because you miss small things like the following!

Sifting Flour

Pastries are made from flour as the main ingredient. Therefore, you need to make sure that the quality of the flour you use is the best. But other than that, don't forget to sift the flour that you will put in the dough, ladies. Flours that are not sieved can stick together, resulting in a lumpy dough. Flour that is not filtered will also make the cake dough more difficult to knead so that the results are not good.

Use Fresh Eggs

Have you ever found a cookie that still smells fishy even though it's cooked? The cause of this problem is the use of eggs that are not fresh, Ladies. Eggs do have a fast expiration date. Therefore, you need to make sure the eggs used to make cakes are still fresh and have a long expiration date. That way, it is guaranteed that your pastries will not smell fishy.

Mix the ingredients little by little

For those of you who are impatient, maybe you will immediately add all the ingredients together. But you know what, this method will only make your dough uneven, Ladies. To make cookies, you need to mix the ingredients little by little. After mixing a few ingredients, stir and knead, then add the other ingredients. That way, your dough will be more even and softer.

Proper Oven Temperature

To get cookies that are cooked but not burnt, you need to pay attention to the oven temperature before baking. Make sure, the temperature you use is 150-170 degrees Celsius. Temperatures below 150 degrees Celsius will make the cake difficult to cook. While temperatures above 170 degrees Celsius will make your pastries burn quickly.

Use Baking Paper

If you want your pastries not to stick, don't put the dough directly into the baking dish, ladies. Make sure you use a special baking sheet when the bread is baking in the oven. This special paper keeps the dough from sticking to the baking dish, so it doesn't crumble when you move it.

It takes patience and thoroughness to make pastries, to make it easier for you to make pastries, I will give you some additional cookie-making tips that I know. Want to know? please read more.


  1. Butter is indeed more fragrant, but if you only use butter the texture of cookies can be easily crushed. On the other hand, margarine produces a firm texture that is suitable for cookies but is less fragrant. Therefore, mix the two so that the taste is savory, fragrant, and has a firm texture.
  2. If using butter, make sure it is cold so it doesn't melt when whipped.
  3. Use low protein flour (usually the blue key brand) . Low protein flour does not absorb too much water so the resulting cake is crispier
  4. Egg yolks make cakes soft, egg whites make cakes firm. Make sure the combination is right so that the cookies are soft on the tongue but don't crumble
  5. Additional ingredients that are very sweet, such as fruit mix, dates, or raisins, should be washed first so that they are not dry and hard due to oven.


  1. Usually the first step in making cakes is to beat butter and margarine with sugar. Shaking does not need to be too long, a maximum of 2-3 minutes.
  2. The time it takes to beat butter is faster than margarine. If using large amounts of margarine, beat longer so that the cake doesn't feel sticky on the palate.
  3. After the flour enters the dough, the mixing must be done in a chopping manner. Do not mix with the folding technique so that the dough is not flexible and stretchy so that the cake is not tough/hard and hard to bite.
  4. The formation of the cake adjusts to the dough. Spooned cakes or refrigerator cookies have a softer dough. Cakes that are formed by cutting into pieces, are more pliable and the cake results are denser.


  1. The oven should be long enough so that the cookies are perfect for a long time. Use only medium temperature. Do not go over 140 degrees Celsius. For pastries that use cheese, you can use a lower temperature so that the cookies don't get wet.
  2. Sprinkling material on top of cookies must be sown immediately after smearing the egg yolk so that it sticks.
  3. Topings and fillings must be filled after the cake has cooled. Wet toppings and fillings such as jam should be spread before serving.

Well, hopefully the information about Tips for Making Pastries above is useful for those of you who want to try making pastries. Good luck.