Purple Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe Without Coconut Milk

Recipe for Milk Purple Sweet Potato Pudding Without Coconut Milk, Special and Delicious. There are many types and varieties of purple sweet potato pudding, there is purple sweet potato pudding with coconut milk and there is also purple sweet potato pudding with coconut milk which is a type of coconut milk pudding and specifically in this recipe we use milk, so it can be called as purple sweet potato layered milk pudding.

Regarding the purple color, we get it from the natural color of the sweet potato. Here, the advantage of this pudding is that it has a unique and attractive purple color. The result is a very beautiful and delicious pudding. 

You can replace purple sweet potatoes with regular sweet potatoes, such as yellow or gray sweet potatoes. Pudding is known for its soft and tender texture, as well as this pudding. This pudding uses a mixture of liquid milk so that the texture is softer with a sweet taste obtained from granulated sugar.

Here's the recipe for milk purple sweet potato pudding without coconut milk, which is soft and tender, melts in the mouth and complete with how to make your own at home (Homemade) how to cook it is simple and difficult to make you fail. Perfect for learning to make your own pudding.

Purple Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe


  • 100 grams of purple sweet potato
  • 700 ml liquid milk
  • 1 pack of pudding powder (can use white powder, light blue, or pink)
  • 50 grams of sugar or according to taste (the amount of sugar can be adjusted according to the sugar content in the milk. If the milk is already sweet, then you won't need a lot of added sugar)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder


  1. Purple sweet potato is steamed until cooked and soft.
  2. Mash the sweet potato until smooth, then set aside.
  3. Cook pudding powder with liquid milk.
  4. Add sugar, salt and vanilla powder.
  5. Reduce the heat and let it sit for a while.
  6. When the dough is half cooked, add the mashed sweet potato.
  7. Mix well with the dough and keep it on low heat.
  8. After the dough is cooked, immediately transfer the pudding mixture into the pudding mold according to taste or use a plastic cup.
  9. Let stand until the pudding hardens and is no longer hot.
  10. Store in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.
  11. Leave it for a few hours to cool.
  12. Serve.