Easy Recipe for Steamed Rice Flour Sponge Cake without Egg and Mixer

For the first time hearing eggless, surely many mothers who like to cook will be interested in the following recipe. This recipe was first shared by Atyk Murtiningsih, a friend of Ms. Hesti Kichen. When bitten, this cake is very soft and delicious even though it doesn't use eggs.

After I tried making this rice flour steamed sponge cake, I personally think it tastes really good, it tastes delicious from coconut milk and sweet and fragrant from pandan leaves. It's just that the basic ingredients of this sponge cake are from rice flour, of course it is a bit different from the one that uses wheat flour.

When compared with the apem cake from Java, it is different because the apam cake has a bit of chewiness, while this cake is not. And this type of cake is crumbly because it uses quite a lot of baking powder. For the results of the recipe below, make 10 cakes with a medium muffin size.

Rice Flour Steamed Sponge Cake Recipe (Eggless)


  • Rice flour as much as 200 grams
  • Sugar as much as 160 grams
  • 250 ml of coconut milk
  • Salt as much as 1/2 teaspoon
  • Vanilla powder/paste as much as 1 teaspoon
  • Pandan paste as much as 1 teaspoon
  • Baking powder as much as 2 teaspoons

How to Make Rice Flour Steamed Sponge Cake

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients and then pour 250 ml of coconut milk little by little, while continuing to stir using a whisk until smooth.
  2. Then heat the steaming pan over high heat, then cover the lid with a napkin.
  3. Pour the mixture onto the steamed sponge mold only 3/4 of the height of the mold.
  4. Steam the sponge cake batter for 10 to 15 minutes (and for 10 or 15 minutes cover the steamer and don't open it).
  5. Remove and steamed rice flour sponge cake is ready to be served.

Good luck...!